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Young At Heart...
Collectors Corner, Events, Shows & Ar..., Helping out our 4 Legg...CommentThis is Ginger, she was our guest of honor on Saturday for the Young At Heart Pet Rescue Adoption Event...
As you can see, she is a very sweet, laid back 10 year old Jack Russell Terrier Mix, just right for a family with older kids or senior citizens'. Her owner got sick and was no longer able to care for her, this is the plight of many dogs and cats that the Young At Heart Pet Rescue volunteers take into their homes to foster until new permanent homes can be found. Please visit if you would like more information about Ginger or to see more dogs and cats available for adoption from YAH.
Noelle, a great customer and supporter of animal adoption...doing a little Holiday Shopping for her family!
With the wonderful crew of volunteers from YAH. Left to right, Matt Jans, Arlene Burkhardt, Dawn Kemper and Irene Tague and of course Ginger!
YAH Executive Director, Dawn Kemper, prepares for the Raffle Drawing...and below, Jay Hirt, one of our Raffle Winners!
And Flipper! Jay's wonderful German Shepherd who is among the very first Pet Portraits in my Portfolio. I did his painting way back in 2000, it's called "Flipper's Full Moon".
If you would like to learn about YAH or to make a donation to YAH, please visit