art studio — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


art studio

...more than 25 paintings, I didn't have to move!

Collectors CornerAnne LeuckComment

...well I did have to ship a few ; ) The Studio Moving Sale was a great success! If you missed out and are still interested, I've got most of the remaining painting inventory in my Etsy Store30% off through the end of the month...that's Monday/Halloween! Here are a few happy collectors (who happen to be lovely human beings) with their new paintings:

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The big move was yesterday...I LOVE my new studio! Will be sharing pics soon...still getting things set up. Hope you're having a fantastic weekend!

Happily Ever After...

Commissioned ArtAnne Leuck1 Comment


This Custom Narrative Commission Print was a gift for newlyweds Katie & Tim. It features their Chicago neighborhood, Lincoln Square, their house, their beloved beagles: Nigel & Zoe, their love of travel and Mini Coopers (he races) and the site of their recent wedding ceremony: the Natural Bridges of Santa Cruz, in California. They received a Gift Certificate and were able to collaborate with me on the design for a most meaningful and vibrant work of art!

Katie & Time came by the studio this afternoon to pick up "Happily Ever After". And on that subject, they are currently fostering Kaylee (see below) a very sweet Beagle here in Chicago that needs a home. Please contact the number below or visit if you think you could give this wonderful dog a 'happily ever after', too!

4 Legged visitors to the studio...lead to exciting news!

Collectors Corner, My Candy Colored World, Press & Published ...Anne Leuck2 Comments

This little cutie is Jack, he came to the studio back in January with Susan who brought her dogTuesday's portrait in to be featured in the 190 North tv shoot which will air this Sunday!

I also got to meetBarkley whose portrait I did back in December, his owner Tom brought his piece in to be featured as well.

We did part of the shoot atTango's house in Bucktown: Unfortunately I don't have any other photos from the day of the shoot...but it was great fun! I'm nervous but very excited to see how it all turned out...tune in to 190 North at 10:35pm on Sunday on ABC Channel 7 in Chicago!

Not just a change of seasons...

Business, Events, Shows & Ar..., New Studio/GalleryAnne Leuck3 Comments

StudiochangeHaving this storefront space has been an interesting experience...I've been here 1.5 years and kept regular open studio/gallery/shop hours for most of that time. I continue to get lots of commission work from people in the neighborhood but it's difficult to get that work done during 'open' hours and it's hard to commit to that during the summer when I have so many outdoor shows. So...I re-painted the "Gallery & Shop" sign to read "Art Studio". For now I'll be open on occasion, for special events and probably most Saturdays. Closer to the holidays, I may have set hours. It already seems to be working out, I've had a few appointments and even some knocks on the door this week. I'm happy to meet with you most days or evenings and you are always welcome to knock on the door if you're in the neighborhood!

Speaking of being open...this Saturday, September 18th is Guinness Oyster Fest in Roscoe Village so I will be open from Noon-7pm. Stop in for a drink and some special end of the season deals!

Uptown Art Fair this Weekend!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment


Dates: August 6-7-8

Hours: FRI: Noon-8pm SAT: 10am-8pm SUN: 10am-6p
Location: Lagoon & Hennepin
Uptown Neighborhood in Minneapolis

Looking forward to a beautiful drive and seeing collectors
and friends in this show!

Visit Anne on the Mall (North Side)
Booth #2119

More Details



My Chicago Studio will be also be open on
Saturday & Sunday, August 7-8th for
Stop by if you are in the neighborhood!


Catching up...and enjoying the journey.

My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment

Picture 6Wow..July FLEW by! Things have been super busy and I've been on the go, August promises even more of the for day to day updates, you are always welcome to visit or join my Facebook ALF Studio Fan Page. ProcessI've been trying to live a more balanced life this summer which means not working ALL the time which has been my m.o. for about as long as I can remember. This means getting home from the studio at a reasonable hour on the nights that Rich has free, committing Sundays to our tandem bike excursions on weekends that I don't have art fairs, visiting and catching up with friends, just doing what is most necessary in the studio, no more 'super anne'...why has it taken me so long to learn that I'm never going to get to the end of my to do list, and that any goal I reach will only be replace with another? There truly is no destination, so it's time to focus on the journey. If I ever get brave enough to get a tattoo this would probably be a good theme to work with. I've been here before and always get side more...time to start living in the present (feel free to remind me!). 

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks...

Top one: Sparta - Elroy Bike Trail...Rich and I took a beautiful ride to Wilton on the 4th of July, the tunnels were even better than I remember (Sparta is the town that I grew up in). BaldMade some fun new little paintings for the Geneva Art Fair. 

This is Gracie...the daughter of a very dear client, at the Geneva Art Festival.

Picture-12Driving back to the city after the show...there was a beautiful full moon...

Picture-13My good friend Laura Nugent stayed a few days after the art was great fun and we really enjoyed the Reverend Howard Finster Show at the Cultural Center, very inspiring! You should definitely check this out if you are a folk art fan.
Picture-14Laura's toe nails are the same color as the wall she is standing in front of!
Picture-23I'm happy to report that Alice
seems to be getting back to her silly self...the last 2 months without
Izzy have been hard on her. We've had a lot going on while Alice's
schedule has not been so exciting. Hoping to find her a foster pal in
the fall when all the show hoopla is over.
Picture-5I just re-hung my windows (long overdue!) for this weekend's Retro on Roscoe...I will actually be in Minneapolis for the Uptown Art Fairbut Amanda and Match will be here if you are out and about and want to stop in!