2 Months Later...the Sign is Finished! — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


2 Months Later...the Sign is Finished!

New Studio/GalleryAnne Leuck3 Comments

Picture 17I've had many distractions trying to finish this sign, among them 3 art fairs and a show. Also bought some time testing a board covered with my sealed paint swatches outside. The black and white seemed to be compromised so I had to go over everything with a latex exterior wood & metal paint. This was grueling work...I just hope it holds up to the elements after all of this! Hopefully I'll have it sealed and hung before Labor Day! : )

Picture 16 All 3 pieces end to end, they line up pretty well considering they were painted separately.
Picture 15

It's a rainy 4th of July here...I've been at the studio all day and Rich is busy building a cabinet to house his amplifiers &  mikes at his practice studio...tomorrow we have fun: heading to the Indiana Dunes to bike on some trails and it's supposed to be beautiful weather - I can't wait!