2013 Fields Project Part 1: Bocker Farm / Barnacopia! — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


2013 Fields Project Part 1: Bocker Farm / Barnacopia!

My Candy Colored World, TravelAnne Leuck1 Comment

I just returned from my 6th trip to the Fields Project artist residency. I first participated in 2003. Eleven artists participated this year, staying with 10 host families.
Every year proves to be a unique and wondrous experience. I will split my
visit into blog posts over the next week or two. I took a gazillion photos, which means I have a handful of good ones to share with you!
My week wouldn't have been nearly as entertaining without the lovely people in this photo! My fabulous hosts: the Bockers, Gary (front seat passenger) and Judy (next to me in the back). And Cathi Schwalbe, a dear friend and fellow artist (we each had a room in the silo and pretty quickly dubbed ourselves the 'Silo Sisters'!) Lots of laughs from day one...Gary and Judy were so very gracious and acommodating, sharing their new creation "Barnacopia" with us.1013887_10151665401272002_1373146224_n
It gets windy in the backseat of a convertible!
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Cathi with her crazy lime green mustang! We had a weeks worth of fun in one night!Screen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.29.50 PM
"Barnacopia" Judy and Gary imagined and built this extremely impressive museum over the last year. It houses a plethora of farming
history including Gary's collection of farm equipment and vintage cars, and much more. There will be a grand opening in a few months when it is complete. See the cupola? There is a John Deere Tractor hanging/rotating up there!

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This is where I slept all week! My room was on the 2nd floor of this 4 story Silo.
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Shots from 'my farm': Bocker GrainScreen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.33.28 PM
Bocker Ruff Grain - i.d. tags for the train car shipments of cornScreen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.26.30 PM
Bocker Farm as seen from Route 64...I refer to it a "Oz"
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One of my sketching vistas on Father's Day between their giant corn bins.
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The view overhead.
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Close up of the drying bins...they have a very space age look!Screen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.21.02 PM
Same drying bins, backing up a bit.Screen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.22.03 PM

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Looking straight up the ladder to the top of the bin...Screen shot 2013-06-26 at 8.34.12 PM
We even snuck a pedicure in during the week, me = green toes to match the fields!


Full Fields Project 2013 Blog Series:

Part 1: Bocker Farm/Barnacopia

Part 2: Walks/Drives/Sights

Part 3: Elevator/Horse Ride/Sprayer

Part 4: Process

Part 5: Shoot Out

Part 6: Cathi’s Well

Part 7: Art Fair