Before and After the Rain... — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Before and After the Rain...

My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck1 Comment
Picture 11

Picture 11

Cute farmer Rich harvesting green beans on Thursday before

the big rain

...they said Chicago received up to 8 inches between Friday and Sunday. We were very lucky: no flooding in our basement. As I mentioned in my previous post the art fair was cancelled at the end of the day Saturday. I took it for granted I'd have this big free and easy day Sunday but instead I was very fatigued from tearing down as I guess I usually am on a Monday after a was very slow going but I got myself together later in the day and tackled the carpet tread project I had been meaning to complete for the last 3 weeks.

Picture 20

Picture 20

These beautiful wood stairs can be very slick, especially for Izzy (who we still need to carry down). Looks pretty good...just wait, in not time at all they will be covered with Alice's white fur. I'm a crazy lady to have black rugs in my house (with a white dog) but I need them to balance all the color. (Have not yet painted the stairwell or 2nd floor hallway - I'm thinking red...!)

PS By the time I finished treading...the rains subsided.