Dog Days of Summer Open Studio Sale! — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Dog Days of Summer Open Studio Sale!

Events, Shows & Ar..., SketchbookAnne LeuckComment

Dog Days of Summer Open Studio Sale

New Studio: 5014 N. Hermitage, Unit WS

Please come through the northern most gate of the building and ring the bell

Friday, August 10th: 5-9pm

Saturday, August 11th Noon-6pm

Sorry to have disappeared for so many's been a busy summer, I've gotten some much needed R & R and hope to share some posts of my activities soon. In the mean time...I moved my studio, again!The new space is much bigger and I love it...hope some of you can come by next weekend and check it out. I'll have new paintings available from the Fields Project, and for the first time, even some of my ceramic work. There will be some lovely deals on older works and prints, too. Can't make it? You are welcome to make an appointment for a studio visit at your convenience, or check out my paintings at AnnesArt.comand let me know what you are interested in.