Lots of folks stopping in the shop today with the sun finally shining! This is Sarka & Zoe with their owner Marcela in the photo, they came in last night in spite of the cold (they just moved here from San Francisco) very sweet pups..siblings. I'm thinking evenings are my 'prime time' here in the shop and of course I'm a night person so that works all the better for me. My posted hours are Noon-7pm on Thursdays & Fridays but if my schedule allows and folks are out and about I'll stay until 9 or 10pm. Same for Saturday (posted noon-5pm)...and you'll probably find me here Sunday-Wednesday too even though I do not have posted hours those days. Just knock..I may answer!

Okay...time to paint, I think...it's a challenge staying on track here. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!