Warm Wishes and Safe Travels to You... — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


Warm Wishes and Safe Travels to You...

My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment

Picture 55Warm Wishes and Safe Travels to You...wherever you may be or are going this year for the Holidays. It's been a wonderfully busy season for me, but things are definitely winding down here. I have my last Pet Portrait pick up tomorrow (I'll share photos after all the gifts are given!) and I'll stick around the shop until about 3pm, hoping to help out any last minute shoppers! (Is it annoying that I sometimes say studio and some times say shop? Let me clarify, when the black cloth is on my work table it's a "Shop" and when it's not, it's my "Studio"...although I'm thinking of painting the table black then that all goes out the window!) Then we'll load up Izzy and Alice and hop in the car to head up to rural Warrens, WI to my my Mom's beautiful log house in the woods. It's the perfect place to visit at this time of year and I always have so much fun baking with my Mom, we will be creating our bi-ennial Gingerbread House.This is all providing that the weather cooperates...Picture 1 Before I go, I wanted to share this photo of Izzy from the other day...she is havingquite a rally lately, aside from the 'night time crazies' (a period of45 minutes or so every evening when nothing seems to appease her...Rich and I are working on a song). And here's silly Alice careening around in the snow...she loves the white stuff!Picture 60
Merry Happy Holidays to You & Yours, Safe Travels, Peace and lots of Joy!!