My Middle Age Freak Show — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


My Middle Age Freak Show

Art For Sale, Events, Shows & Ar..., UncategorizedAnne LeuckComment


Hello Friends! I've recently completed some big new work now available for sale at the State Street Gallery in the loop in Chicago! Last spring I was invited by curator, Jason Messinger, to participate in a group show in the theme of 'Carnival'. Inspired by 'circus side show' banners, I merged my painting style with my sketchbook journal imagery and my own personal middle age 'freak show' story to produce a collection of 5 foot pieces! I'm excited for you to see them, and I would like to personally invite you to join us this Thursday, October 13th for theCrazy 8 Artists' CarnivalOpening Receptionfrom 5-7:30. (Additional details below).

My Statement reveals all, you may be amused!

You can preview my other pieces here.




Eight Chicago artists with a wide range of techniques and a wild range of materials present their unique visions of the circus, carnival and festival! Kass Copeland, Alan Emerson Hicks, IZZO, Anne Leuck, Edward Master, Jason Messinger, Anthony Stagg, Joey WozniakOpening ReceptionThursday, October 13th5:00 - 7:30 pmThe opening reception is free and open to the publicBring your friends and co-workers after work!Downtown Chicago, across from the Harold Washington LibraryState Street Gallery401 South State Street, Chicago, ILEntrance on Van BurenRuns: Sep 26 - Dec 23, 2016Gallery Hours: Mon - Thu, 10am - 6pm