
My Candy Colored World, The Dogs Behind the ArtAnne LeuckComment

In the weeks since she has been gone, I seem to have amassed a 'shrine' to Alice: her clay paw print, an

envelope with clippings of her fur, her collar, her food bowl, the bone

photo/frame: a gift from Laura Nugent years ago, (she and Alice became fast friends after a week long

slumber party in our living room, when she stayed with us for a show), a

beautiful copper enamel heart condolence gift from Mary Laskey, and the

photo I took of us mounted on a resin frame, a suprise gift from another

artist friend, Juana Ryan. Oh, and that little pewter dog, I picked

that up years ago, it just represents her silly spirit. I still can't

bear to put away her dog bed, so that remains in my little

living room and I step around it twice a day when I open and close the

blinds. Her leash and harness still hang on the hook by the door. I

can't put the key in the door without thinking, she's not there waiting

for me. I'm really doing okay, but grief has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it. Yep, I really miss her...hug your doggies, if you have'm!