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Pet PortraitsAnne Leuck1 Comment

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 Picture 28Doing Rusty's portrait was bittersweet, between the time Rhonda ordered the portrait and I started on it, he passed very sad. So now this Portrait has become a colorful reminder of her very best friend. Rhonda was in town last week, we both got teary when she came to see it, I sent her on her way with a magnet that I had made as a little gift for her to keep until the print arrives to her in California. When I did the sketches I created a younger Rusty, solidly colored and the senior Rusty with the lighter face, I am humbly adding younger Rusty to my portfolio of breeds as the Golden Retriever. Bittersweet.

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This is the first order I received for the larger Pet Portrait Print really came out beautifully. I just ordered another to put in my window display with Jack's portrait...this is a good comparison of the two sizes, Jack's Box Frame Print Portrait is 12x12 ($250) and Rusty's Float Back Print Portrait is 18x18 ($350). My deadline for Pet Portrait Orders for guaranteed delivery by the holidays is November if you are considering this as a gift please place your order soon! Gift Certificates are also available.

CCR Dog Adoption Event at Anne's Studio 8/8/09

Events, Shows & Ar..., Helping out our 4 Legg...Anne LeuckComment

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At long are photos and hopefully some video from our Adoption Event with Chicago Canine Rescue on August 8th. It was fun afternoon, very hot and windy...but lots of puppy love. We had four very wonderful young dogs here: Kyle, Mickey, Shirley and Jill. None of them were adopted that afternoon but many people stopped and took cards for the shelter which is located just a few blocks away at 2227 W. Belmont in Chicago. To learn more about each dog click here. We also let people know that fostering was also an option, this takes a little bit of the edge off when people are unsure how it would go with their other pets, etc. That's how we started with Alice, and we had such a happy ending. I just heard today 8/18 that Kyle and Mickey are in foster homes and will mot likely be adopted!

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Kyle, Shirley and Mickey with wonderful volunteers from CCR.

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Jill, A coonhound mix.
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Kyle a shepherd mix...

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Suzy taking donations for CCR's upcoming Mutt Strut on September 12th.

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