chicken — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO




Art For Sale, My Candy Colored World, SketchbookAnne LeuckComment

My facebook fan page has stolen all my blog time...I will attempt to start sharing those updates (and more!) here on my blog. Today, so far:Photo: Happiness = A fresh new sketch book!
Happiness = a fresh new sketch book, the old one is now full and stained with a coffee spill!

Photo: Thanks for sharing Silo Sister! Cathi Schwalbe

Quotes read to me by my friend, Cathi Schwalbe, at last week's Fields Project. A photo retropsective of my trip is coming soon!

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And new prints now available for sale on Fine Art America:
Above: One Chick + One Peppermint Tree
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Purple Poulet
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Tall Cow

Lots of hugs & a few happy collectors in Madison...

Collectors Corner, My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck2 Comments

It was great to visit Madison last weekend for Art Fair on the Square....reconnected with so many old friends and even got to see my Mom, lots of hugs!

I don't think she planned her outfit...but my Mother sure complements my artwork!

This little guy was thrilled about his new painting acquisition.

Such a wonderful surprise to run into my old dorm mates from 1985, Brian & Karen Natoli, and their lovely daughter, Grace.

....and dear friend, Mary, who I so need to catch up with.



....and Kathy Mauer of Katcando, I designed a logo for her jewelry business several years ago, we finally got to meet in person! A lovely, lady and her work is gorgeous..check it out

Dear friend, Jolene (Wangen) Huber, her beautiful girls & little Zoe, the dog.

And Lizzie Oz! A fabulous artist and a fabulous lady...I have a few pieces of her work that I adore.

Last, but not least...Amanda Shell of Whirley Girl Designs (my new studio mate) who came along to help out. Thanks again, Amanda!