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Vintage ALF Paintings for Sale at the Bucktown Arts Fest this weekend!

Art For Sale, Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck4 Comments

I'm very grateful to share that we sold our house in this impossible market...and I'm downsizing my life in a big way, so that means I'm ready to part with some vintage art works that I've made over the last 15 years. I'll have many at this weekend's Bucktown Arts Fest. This little show is still going strong and now, bigger than ever. I'll be selling lots of new works from the summer as well as vintage pieces from the late 90's...pieces I painted when I lived in the neighborhood. C'mon by...let's liven up your walls!


Anne's Booth Location: #14

Northwest Corner of the Show on Belden

Dates & Times: Saturday, August 27th & Sunday August 28th

11:00 a.m. - Dusk

Round Trip Flight, 30x30 Acrylic on Canvas in Wood Frame: $500

This is the only large piece I have left from my "flying people" series...I did many of these before Izzy and other dogs came into my life...they were inspired by dreams of flying!

Day & Night, 28x30 Acrylic on Wood, Framed: $400

Strike 3, 25x49 Acrylic on Canvas w/wood frame: $600

This piece chronicles the traumatic gang problems we lived through in Bucktown back in the 90's. I still have the quarter brick that came through our window at 3am...our sweet salvation: we had just put in an order for new windows the week before!

Tango....A day in the life of a Vizsla

Pet PortraitsAnne LeuckComment

This was another Holiday Pet Portrait Gift...this one a 24x36 Painting of a local Chicagoland Vizsla, "Tango". I met Cris and his wife back in August at the Bucktown Arts Fest, he contacted me in November wanting to surprise his wife with this wonderful gift. He was the perfect client - supplying me with many wonderful photos and a list of Tango's favorite places, activities, toys and treats, including baguettes after picking one up on a walk near the Red Hen Bakery. This was a fun project from beginning to end!

Tango with his painting!

This was the final sketch before I did the painting....and black and white below: TangoSketch1

Winterfest a success...and the Holiday Sale Continues!

Collectors Corner, Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck1 Comment

Picture 9Below are photos of some happy new collectors from last weekend's Winterfest Sale...and few other paintings I said farewell to...Good News! The HOLIDAY OPEN STUDIO SALE continues this weekend and next:

Saturday & Sunday: December 11-12 Noon-5pm
Saturday & Sunday: December 18-19 Noon-5pm
Anne's Studio 2040 W. Roscoe Avenue, Chicago, IL

My Gift to You: 20-50% Off on Original Paintings!
(On-line shoppers contact me to inquire about Sale Pricing on any Painting in my Web Gallery)

Please join us for wine. cider, cookies and holiday cheer. Shop for great Holiday Gifts featuring Anne's Art: Mugs, Coasters, Ornaments, Magnets, Cards, Paintings and Prints! Variety of Prices Ranges and Sizes...something for everyone on your list...or treat yourself to that One  of a Kind Anne Leuck Feldhaus painting you've had your eye on!

*HOliday Weekday Studio Visits are Welcome by Appointment Anytime! Just Call Anne at 773.772.1085
Mr. Gilmore with his beautiful new "Teal Night Scape" painting.

Artist & Architect Sharon Sears with her new "Urban Thoroughfare" painting!Picture 26
This one went home with one of the 190 North Producers!

And this little sweet heart I'll miss: 'More Round Bales'...made at the Fields Project in 2003.


71035_130907790301466_6659560_n Also Sunday from can continue Shopping across the street at the Village Tap (2055 West Roscoe) at: Come Eat, Drink, Shop Unique! With a select Group of Chicago Artisans setting up shop in the beer garden, all sorts of incredible handmade goods - everything from graphic apparel, exotic scarves, jewelry, bags and wallets to art prints, hand painted items, candles, chocolates and more! Stay for lunch or dinner an enjoy 20% off food & beverages when you purchase an item at the Holiday Market.

Art For Sale...

Art For Sale, New WorkAnne LeuckComment

For your shopping pleasure...I've just added an Art For Sale category to my blog where I will post pieces you can buy immediately via PayPal...Or if you prefer not to pay online you can contact me with your credit card or email me to reserve a painting, as I also accept checks.


©2010 Anne Leuck Feldhaus
7x14 Acrylic on Wood Panel
$145 + Free Shipping




©2010 Anne Leuck Feldhaus
7x14 Acrylic on Wood Panel
$145 + Free Shipping


6 foot commission...signed, sealed & delivered!

Commissioned Art, New WorkAnne Leuck7 Comments

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Picture 14

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 22452_273361352171_95919222171_3915079_2237420_n On Thursday I delivered this 6 foot commission that has been in the works since last fall. My clients are a wonderful couple from the Roscoe Village neighborhood. It was a fun collaboration, taking their list of things/places they love and then developing a composition around these elements. It becomes a very personal and meaningful piece. I can't wait to see photos of it hung, they have a gorgeous home and the colors are so complementary. I've included photos of the painting at different stages as well as the final sketch that was selected as a basis for the original piece of art.

I love this process and felt great working so big! Let me know if you would like to discuss a special custom painting for yourself!


8th Annual Holiday Open Studio Sale this Weekend!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

Picture 34It's hard to believe it's going to be my 8th year doing the Holiday Open Studio Sale! The good news is that this year I do not have to clean my house : ) since I'm hosting it here at my beautiful new studio in Roscoe Village. There is so much more room and my gift selection is bigger then ever before. I'm also offering some really great discounts on select paintings and prints. For those of you who cannot attend, I've posted many items in my Etsy Shop under the Holiday Sale category and I will continue to add to that over the weekend.

WHAT: Annual Holiday Open Studio Sale   

WHERE: 2040 W. Roscoe in Chicago There is Pay Parking on my block but free parking on all blocks west and on surrounding residential streets.

WHEN: This Weekend! Saturday, December 19th from Noon-7pm &  Sunday, December 20th from Noon-4pm

WHY: To Shop and Visit and Toast the Holiday Season! Take advantage of the SALE and pick up some great gifts and art for yourself or your loved ones.

And while you're in the neighborhood, enjoy lunch or dinner at one of the many wonderful cafes and restaurants and check out the other great boutiques!