collectors — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



No Business Like Show Business...

Collectors Corner, Events, Shows & Ar..., My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment

It's been a crazy, exhausting, and very fun last couple of weeks! Shows in bitter temps, and snow...but folks still came out and supported us. I'm happy to say I had my best One of a Kind Show, ever...I left with 23 Pet Portrait Orders! Luckily not all were Holiday Orders...I'm so grateful and excited that my new Personalized Portraits seem to be a hit. Here are some photos from One of a Kind and the Chicago Art Girls 2nd Annual Holiday Pop up Shop, last weekend.






Collectors CornerAnne LeuckComment

Wonderful Photos of some of my wonderful customers:

Screen shot 2012-09-19 at 6.10.26 PMCarlos won this painting in my first ever Blog/FB Auction!

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Annawith her new black & white collection of original drawings,and porcelain tiles.
So gladthey've all found a lovely new home

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A respite from color...the Siegel's with their new acquisitions.

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Cindi with her new piece: 'Blue Dog + Blooms'

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The Hunt's with their new painting: 'Canines in Blue'

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Barbara with her 3 new paintings! These were all very personal pieces to me.
Grateful they have found a good home.

...more than 25 paintings, I didn't have to move!

Collectors CornerAnne LeuckComment

...well I did have to ship a few ; ) The Studio Moving Sale was a great success! If you missed out and are still interested, I've got most of the remaining painting inventory in my Etsy Store30% off through the end of the month...that's Monday/Halloween! Here are a few happy collectors (who happen to be lovely human beings) with their new paintings:

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The big move was yesterday...I LOVE my new studio! Will be sharing pics soon...still getting things set up. Hope you're having a fantastic weekend!

Lots of hugs & a few happy collectors in Madison...

Collectors Corner, My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck2 Comments

It was great to visit Madison last weekend for Art Fair on the Square....reconnected with so many old friends and even got to see my Mom, lots of hugs!

I don't think she planned her outfit...but my Mother sure complements my artwork!

This little guy was thrilled about his new painting acquisition.

Such a wonderful surprise to run into my old dorm mates from 1985, Brian & Karen Natoli, and their lovely daughter, Grace.

....and dear friend, Mary, who I so need to catch up with.



....and Kathy Mauer of Katcando, I designed a logo for her jewelry business several years ago, we finally got to meet in person! A lovely, lady and her work is gorgeous..check it out

Dear friend, Jolene (Wangen) Huber, her beautiful girls & little Zoe, the dog.

And Lizzie Oz! A fabulous artist and a fabulous lady...I have a few pieces of her work that I adore.

Last, but not least...Amanda Shell of Whirley Girl Designs (my new studio mate) who came along to help out. Thanks again, Amanda!

Eastern Iowa Life....

Events, Shows & Ar..., Press & Published ...Anne LeuckComment

....I was excited to get some press after the Marion Art Fair last weekend inEastern Iowa Life. It felt great to get my tent out and do my first outdoor show of the season, the weather ended up cooperating and we had a good turn out crowd wise. Also enjoyed getting out on the road, so easy to get caught up in urban life, the open road stretching out before me is always a welcome sight.


new collectors!

...."A Woman and Her Dog"...

I did some power painting prior to the show including lots of new mini art blocks:

do you like my new 'skelly's" ...inpsired by my most recent pet portrait commission of medi & tula! Just $32 each!

Iowa has the most beautiful rest stops of any state I've seen, they all seem to incorporate original art work into their design and on the grounds...this one 30+ miles west of Davenport.