Five Trees ©Anne Leuck Feldhaus
14"x21" /Acrylic on Recycled Wood Panel
Illustration Friday Special Sale Price: $200 (Retail $400)
Email Anne to purchase!
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Five Trees ©Anne Leuck Feldhaus
14"x21" /Acrylic on Recycled Wood Panel
Illustration Friday Special Sale Price: $200 (Retail $400)
Email Anne to purchase!
Visit the Illustration Friday site:
Check out our fun feature from ABC Channel 7's 190 North Television Show! It turned out great thanks to the wonderful interviews with my customers and their pets (Cris & Kaaren & Tango and Sarah & Bear), and all the great folks and camera crew at 190 North, thank you Janet & Holly!! Sadly, Bear, the sweet Bernese Mountain Dog in the segment passed away a few weeks honored to have created his portrait and that he's also immortalized on film. He was beloved by everyone in the neighborhood.
Please contact me if you are ready to order a Pet Portrait!
The other wonderful part of this feature, it aired the night before my 44th birthday...a lovely gift!
My clients Jim & Carol commissioned me to do another portrait for their newest member of the family...Sam! Who, I'm told, has quite the a personality "...he is a crazy retriever, a good game of fetch can last hours if you let it, he thinks every toy in the house is his and will pile them up on his bed to prove it, he's the life of the party and isn't afraid to show it, he has superman genes in his dna (can leap tall buildings or sister dogs in a single bound) 6) he's going to be a little too helpful in the garden..." Sounds like lots of fun to me!
This is the 4 foot portrait I did a few years ago of their other dogs, Bud, Waldo, Meenie and Ella:
This is Buck and Bonnie's Pet Portrait...I was given the beautiful photo below for reference.
If you think a Pet Portrait might be a good idea for a Valentines gift, get your order in SOON! Or consider a Pet Portrait Gift Certificate.
Sam the Cat...who is deeply missed. This portrait was a memory gift from my client to his wife for the holidays. Sam loved olives.
Another holiday Pet Portrait reveal, Hank is my first Leonberger. I was just given a little history lesson "The
original breed was created by taking a Landseer Newfoundland and
breeding that to a Saint Bernard. That dog was then bred to Great
Pyrenees. The original breeding took place in the 1800s in Germany." Stay tuned for more in the next week...