gifts — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



Mark your calendar...Chicago Art Girls Pop Up Shop!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck1 Comment

I've had the pleasure of showing with many of these women over the years here in Chicago at local art fairs. On May 12th, we host our own indoor show! So mark your calendars and come out for a fabulous day of shoppping and fun with some amazing artists and women!



WHENSaturday, May 12, 2012, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Artist summaries and product photos:  &

Swell Gallery Holiday Arts & Crafts Market

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck1 Comment

Swell-poster-holiday-2010-web[1]I'm happy to be represented by Swell Gallery in West Dundee this holiday season, run by my lovely friend and fellow artist, Kim Frieders. If you're in the area don't miss the swell Holiday Arts & Crafts Market, opening December 3 from 5-9 pm featuring paintings and prints, a smorgasbord of crafty and vintage items such as ornaments, magnets, bookmarks, jewelry, soaps and more from a variety of artists . A large selection of items under $20! Stop by this opening weekend and enjoy the Dickens in Dundee festival

Location: 123½ W Main Street (IL 72/Higgins)   West Dundee, IL, 60118   Phone:   773-860-4256

Winterfest Open Studio Sale this Weekend!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

Picture 19
in Roscoe Village & Anne's

 Saturday, December 4 Noon-9pm

Sunday, December 5 Noon-5pm

Anne's Studio 2040 W. Roscoe, Chicago, IL

Please join us for wine and cider, cookies and holiday cheer. Shop for great Holiday Gifts featuring Anne's Art: Mugs, Coasters, Ornaments, Magnets, Cards, Paintings and Prints! Variety of Prices Ranges and Sizes...something for everyone on your list!

8th Annual Holiday Open Studio Sale this Weekend!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

Picture 34It's hard to believe it's going to be my 8th year doing the Holiday Open Studio Sale! The good news is that this year I do not have to clean my house : ) since I'm hosting it here at my beautiful new studio in Roscoe Village. There is so much more room and my gift selection is bigger then ever before. I'm also offering some really great discounts on select paintings and prints. For those of you who cannot attend, I've posted many items in my Etsy Shop under the Holiday Sale category and I will continue to add to that over the weekend.

WHAT: Annual Holiday Open Studio Sale   

WHERE: 2040 W. Roscoe in Chicago There is Pay Parking on my block but free parking on all blocks west and on surrounding residential streets.

WHEN: This Weekend! Saturday, December 19th from Noon-7pm &  Sunday, December 20th from Noon-4pm

WHY: To Shop and Visit and Toast the Holiday Season! Take advantage of the SALE and pick up some great gifts and art for yourself or your loved ones.

And while you're in the neighborhood, enjoy lunch or dinner at one of the many wonderful cafes and restaurants and check out the other great boutiques!

My Candy Colored WorldAnne LeuckComment

Picture 18"Tucker" one of the many dogs visiting my studio lately, with so many holiday shoppers out and about. We so appreciate all the neighbors who try to keep it local with their shopping!Picture 12

I've been in overdrive since the day after Thanksgiving, juggling the storefront hours, many Holiday Pet Portrait Commission Orders and deadlines, special events like Winterfest Weekend in Roscoe Village and this past weekend's event with Young At Heart Pet Rescue. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to be so busy...but know when it's time to take it down a notch. I've been taking double doses of Airborne (I swear, it works) and vowed on Friday that Monday morning had to be a sleep in day. Picture 30 It made a big difference, I feel good and ready to tackle these next 10 days leading up to Christmas and have decided to let go of all the 'should of/could of demands on myself. For example should of done a better job of decorating my storefront windows, there was simply not enough time!

Wanted to share a recent Custom Baby Announcement Plaque...Picture 23 Here is one of the new designs now available in the 8x8 Float Back Print or 12x12 Box Frame Print format. Picture 22 Holiday Cards that I designed for the residents of Roscoe Village:Picture 19 Holiday Cards also available for residents of Evanston, I recommend ordering the matte finish after seeing some a customer had purchased on-line, they looked great!Picture 31

Lastly, these are some porcelain ornaments I made at Lill Street from a mold I created back in the 90's! Picture 33 the color seemed way off but that seems to be the story with me and glaze. Just ordered some DAS Clay that I can experiment with in my studio and paint with after seeing the gorgeous ornaments that Michelle Allen made with it, she is so inspiring!