opening — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



Save the Date....RV Dog & Art Lovers Night!

Events, Shows & Ar..., Helping out our 4 Legg...Anne Leuck1 Comment

Picture 3Mark your calendars for the first ever Roscoe Village Dog & ArtLovers Night!

  • When:      Friday, May 21st
  • Where:     Anne's Studio & Gallery: 2040 West Roscoe in Chicago
  • What:      Bring your friends human andCANINE to join us for Art, Wine and Treats as Anne shares her newestspring paintings and welcomes a Special Adoptable Guest from ChicagoCanine RescueWe will also be collecting *items for their Roscoe VillageShelter.
  • What Else: Bring an*item for the shelter and receive a 20% Savings Certificateoff any original painting! *Items needed: Garbage bags, PaperTowels & Detergent

Top 10 Things to do this Weekend!

Events, Shows & Ar..., New Studio/Gallery, Press & Published ...Anne LeuckComment


I was thrilled to find out that the Grand Opening Party for my studio made Crain's Chicago Business Top Ten List for things to do this weekend in Chicago! Now if some of you were on the fence about coming....this should settle it once and for all. : ) The libations are chilling and treats await...T minus 4 hours! Putting raffle gifts together for the drawing tonight...Need details? Bring your friends...

Picture 9