sketch book — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


sketch book


Art For Sale, My Candy Colored World, SketchbookAnne LeuckComment

My facebook fan page has stolen all my blog time...I will attempt to start sharing those updates (and more!) here on my blog. Today, so far:Photo: Happiness = A fresh new sketch book!
Happiness = a fresh new sketch book, the old one is now full and stained with a coffee spill!

Photo: Thanks for sharing Silo Sister! Cathi Schwalbe

Quotes read to me by my friend, Cathi Schwalbe, at last week's Fields Project. A photo retropsective of my trip is coming soon!

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And new prints now available for sale on Fine Art America:
Above: One Chick + One Peppermint Tree
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Purple Poulet
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Tall Cow


My Candy Colored World, SketchbookAnne Leuck2 Comments

Forgive my lame mobile upload...just wanted to share yesterday's drawing. Inspired by taxes, indirectly...I snapped this photo in the west loop on the way to my accountant's office. Of course I never draw or paint anything exactly as I see it, it's always just my impression. So long February 2012, you did not disappoint.

Watch your step!

My Candy Colored World, SketchbookAnne LeuckComment

Watchyrstep"Beautiful Fall Day" took on a whole new meaning once I stepped in that hole. Friday, Met Cathi "Corn" Bouzide at Lill Street to pick up my trucks from her studio. She suggested we walk a few of them over to our pal Stephie's Angelfood Bakery, as she had a display of several pieces from the Women in Grains Show in her front window. (By the way, Angelfood had just been named one of the 'Top 5 Bakeries in Chicago' by Steve Dolinsky, so well deserved and so proud of my friend!).
Picture 215Cathi and Stephie outside looking in...took a lot of miming through the window to get the rigs situated! ComboOnce we were done, I packed up my bubble wrap and headed back to my de dah...walkin' along, step off the curb and I'm down! What? (A huge hole hidden under a pile of beautiful fall leaves)...and it hurts! My ankle is huge, how can it get that big that fast? Stephie came running over with 2 bags of ice. I know she did not have time for this little emergency but she did what any good friend would do, hopped in the truck and drove me up to Peterson Urgent Care where we laughed and giggled between my teary outbreaks. I was relieved to find that my ankle was not broken but I did need crutches, and that proved to be very challenging for me.I fell a few times, am still crawling upstairs to bed each night but the swelling is way down and I can put some weight on my toes, now. Have never had to ask for so much help, I'm not good at it and poor Rich is trying to be patient, I always forget that he can't read my mind. Not to mention, that he's had to take care of two patients if you count Gracie:

Picture 1 Now just have to get through my Roscoe Village Dog & Art Lovers event on Friday. I won't be able to the normal prep, gallery re-hang etc, so this will be a good lesson for me to see how a show goes without working in over-drive, as is my reguar m.o. So grateful that I'll have Amanda to help me out and Rich. This ordeal has reminded me how lucky I am to have such a supportive husband and friends and mobility!

Showing my age...

SketchbookAnne LeuckComment

Picture 11 When I'm super busy one of the first things I neglect along withexercise is my daily sketchbook...This page is a reflection of how Iaccount for every missed day. I should have done this drawing on November 19th but in fact I did it last night, November 28th. If only I could squeeze all those days of not working out into one session.

So Alice, Izzy, Woody Allen and Diane Keatonall made it onto the paper in one way or another as I sketched while watching Annie Hall last night...manyyears since I've seen this movie and funny to hear Woody Allen refer tohimself as being 40 - I was 10 when this was made. Now I'm older thanhe was back then! Can I count the tennis racquet as exercise?