illustration friday,train,el,subway,chicago,transportation,transit,travel,urban
Vintage ALF Paintings for Sale at the Bucktown Arts Fest this weekend!
Art For Sale, Events, Shows & Ar...4 CommentsI'm very grateful to share that we sold our house in this impossible market...and I'm downsizing my life in a big way, so that means I'm ready to part with some vintage art works that I've made over the last 15 years. I'll have many at this weekend's Bucktown Arts Fest. This little show is still going strong and now, bigger than ever. I'll be selling lots of new works from the summer as well as vintage pieces from the late 90's...pieces I painted when I lived in the neighborhood. C'mon by...let's liven up your walls!
Anne's Booth Location: #14
Northwest Corner of the Show on Belden
Dates & Times: Saturday, August 27th & Sunday August 28th
11:00 a.m. - Dusk
Round Trip Flight, 30x30 Acrylic on Canvas in Wood Frame: $500
This is the only large piece I have left from my "flying people" series...I did many of these before Izzy and other dogs came into my life...they were inspired by dreams of flying!
Day & Night, 28x30 Acrylic on Wood, Framed: $400
Strike 3, 25x49 Acrylic on Canvas w/wood frame: $600
This piece chronicles the traumatic gang problems we lived through in Bucktown back in the 90's. I still have the quarter brick that came through our window at 3am...our sweet salvation: we had just put in an order for new windows the week before!
Canine Gargoyles and other photos from Wells Street...
Collectors Corner, Events, Shows & Ar..., My Candy Colored World1 CommentArt For Sale...
Art For Sale, New WorkCommentFor your shopping pleasure...I've just added an Art For Sale category to my blog where I will post pieces you can buy immediately via PayPal...Or if you prefer not to pay online you can contact me with your credit card or email me to reserve a painting, as I also accept checks.
©2010 Anne Leuck Feldhaus
7x14 Acrylic on Wood Panel
$145 + Free Shipping
©2010 Anne Leuck Feldhaus
7x14 Acrylic on Wood Panel
$145 + Free Shipping
Art on Tap...
Events, Shows & Ar...CommentI'm loving the brick walls at The Village Tap, where I hung several paintings last works contrast well with the casual urban vibe of this popular Roscoe Village pub known as "Chicago's Premiere Neighborhood Tavern & Beer Garden". My show will be up through stop by to have a drink (over 26 beers on tap!), enjoy some of their fabulous food and the art (all works are available for sale)...and hey, why not swing by my studio on the way, if I'm here I just might join you!
Open Studio Preview...a day late!
Events, Shows & Ar...CommentThe Open Studio Sale was a great success and lots of fun. I think I'm going to take advantage of all my hard work setting it up and have a few Open Studio days in November as well. My next show out of the studio is the One of a Kind Show & Sale December 4-7. I will dismantle a few things so I can continue to work but for the most part things can remain set-up, and it's so nice to work in a tidy environment!