It's time to order your Holiday Pet Portrait! And just in've been asking for it, and now I have it, the Double Pet Portrait Composition....A 12"x16"x1.5" deep Ready To Hang Custom Laminated Pet Portrait Print. Price = $400. Order by November 24th to ensure Holiday Delivery! Click here for pricing for Single Pet Face Portraits and Narrative Portraits.
*Special Agent* *Dale Cooper*
New Work, Pet Portraits2 Comments This pet portrait of Cooper only took a mere 365 days to finish! Last year I traded with Susan Hinckley at the One of a Kind Show. I received a beautiful hand stitched wall piece titled "Let It Go" return I agreed to do a pet portrait of her dog Cooper. And true to form, being the ultimate procrastinator I finished, varnished and framed it on Saturday night just in time for them to take back home to Minnesota (and I did it exhausted after 3 days of the show and wanting to do nothing more than recline on the sofa all evening). She and Russ were very pleased with the outcome..and so was I, this is such a fun composition. For inquiring minds, "Special Agent Dale Cooper" hearkens back to the television series Twin Peaks. Happy Susan...
Tomorrow...more photos from the show...
Open Studio Preview...a day late!
Events, Shows & Ar...CommentThe Open Studio Sale was a great success and lots of fun. I think I'm going to take advantage of all my hard work setting it up and have a few Open Studio days in November as well. My next show out of the studio is the One of a Kind Show & Sale December 4-7. I will dismantle a few things so I can continue to work but for the most part things can remain set-up, and it's so nice to work in a tidy environment!
Lost in Translation...German Pet Portrait Press!
Press & Published ...2 Comments I am represented by The Dogs-Gallery (Ihr Hund Als Kunstwerk) in Germany, they just sent me this press clipping from "location-magazin" of the WAZ in Essen. They also mentioned a new connection with a gallery in perhaps soon I'll be painting more European Pups...!