Design & Illustration

BIG DOGS, and a few kitties on walls...

Design & Illustration, New Work, Public Art, UncategorizedAnne LeuckComment






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Last week we did the BIG ART install at Pets First turned out GREAT! After meeting with Dr. C (Chitra Natarajan), I designed a 3 piece triptych for behind the check in counter and then window decal art for the lobby and foyer areas. Many of the pets in the artwork belong to staff that work at the clinic, as well as Dr. C's pets - and, of course, we wanted to include the Chicago skyline and doggie beach. I look forward to doing more of these kinds of jobs, please share my info with any veterinarians or pet businesses that you think might benefit by adding some fun colorful artwork to their spaces. I can work with folks anywhere in the country.

So Lucky...

Design & Illustration, The Dogs Behind the ArtAnne Leuck1 Comment

I vowed not to design any pet sympathy cards until Izzy left me...4 months after her death I started sketching designs, it was a heavy hearted exercise. I had to put them away for awhile but last week, one of my clients  sadly and very unexpectedly, lost their dog so I decided I should finish one...this is it. My grief does not arise without an equal amount of gratitude for having had her in my life.

I've got it covered...

Design & IllustrationAnne LeuckComment

Picture 34The new Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce Directories were just delivered to my studio...they turned out great! I edited the design from the banner art to fit this format. Looking forward to seeing those banners hanging in the coming months. Let me know if you or your company is in need of some bold, eye-catching art for brochures, banners, logos, etc...I love brain storming and helping clients with these kinds of illustration projects!

My far: RV Street Banner Design

Design & IllustrationAnne Leuck3 Comments

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I'm working on designs to submit to the Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce Board for new street banners in the neighborhood. I scanned the drawing from my sketchbook (below) and edited in Photoshop on my Cintiq...then exported the image path into Adobe Illustrator and added color. Every time I do this I learn something new (I have never taken a class). I hope they like this, I have other designs to show but I think this is the strongest and most fun...but may be 'too busy' - that's why I gave the single color options. Either way I have great imagery to use for future paintings!
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Let me know which one(s) you like the best!