My far: RV Street Banner Design — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO


My far: RV Street Banner Design

Design & IllustrationAnne Leuck3 Comments

Picture 34
I'm working on designs to submit to the Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce Board for new street banners in the neighborhood. I scanned the drawing from my sketchbook (below) and edited in Photoshop on my Cintiq...then exported the image path into Adobe Illustrator and added color. Every time I do this I learn something new (I have never taken a class). I hope they like this, I have other designs to show but I think this is the strongest and most fun...but may be 'too busy' - that's why I gave the single color options. Either way I have great imagery to use for future paintings!
Picture 36
Let me know which one(s) you like the best!