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painting the birdbath...part 2: glorious color!

Commissioned Art, Functional Art, My Candy Colored World, New Work, ProcessAnne Leuck1 Comment

Here's the color portion of this story...spent a week deliberating if I should have 3 different color schemes/tiers and in the end stuck with it. In the past I would have done a coordinating border like the black and white bones I did in the 'Suite Chicago Dogs' set....but since this is one single piece and that was 4 separate pieces opted to try something different. It might look a little odd here, but wait until you see it with the black outlines painted in....stay tuned!

Actually going home to finish it tonight as I have to deliver to the autobody show in Westmont that is doing the clear coating...wish me luck!

painting the birdbath...part 1: chalk and black paint

Commissioned Art, Events, Shows & Ar..., Functional Art, My Candy Colored WorldAnne Leuck6 Comments

The weekend before last, I finally started putting some art on the crazy fiberglass bird bath! I started by drawing on the composition with purple chalk - I had started with a title of "Canines'n Blooms" and a brief color rendering, but couldn't really figure it out until I was working full scale. Chalk is great, easy to erase.

I then went in with black paint and it suddenly started coming to life... 

This is great fun, I know I don't look thrilled here...but I was! ; )

I've captured most of it on video so stay tuned for the high speed painting synapses! Do you like my bike seat laptop video tripod?

And the underside...which few will see, was going to do bones, then all leaves, but settled for the swirl...I think it's a good solution: Almost forgot to show you my rendering...inspired by my 'dog park debacle' series of paintings:



Stay tuned for part 2: color!