narrative — Blog — ANNE LEUCK STUDIO



Art in residence!

Collectors Corner, Commissioned ArtAnne LeuckComment

Fun to recently receive these photos of the Pierce Family's collection. I created this narrative 4 piece commission back in 2005. Each panel of this narrative quadriptych featured cities and significant life events in those locales. If this interests you, see more at this link, they make for incredibly memorable gifts!

This piece is from my dream flyer series back in the late 90's early 2000's...vintage ALF! So delightful to see where my work resides, and what a gorgeous home!

Hooray, a Sale! Save 20% on Holiday Pet Portrait Orders!

Events, Shows & Ar...Anne LeuckComment

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This was such a hit last year, I'm doing it again...this way you can give a Custom Portrait and I have some wiggle room for Final Delivery of the Finished Piece!

Enjoy *20% Savings on Custom Pet Portrait Orders Received by December 12th
Face Portraits = $50 Savings and Up & Narrative Portraits = $100 Savings and Up

 *In exchange for the 20% Discount, I guarantee deliveryof a Glossy Color Sketch/Illustration for you to presentto your loved one by December 22nd, and you agree to final completion ordelivery of the actual Ready to Hang Laminated Print or Acrylic Painting AFTER the Holidays.

*** Orders Received by November 30th *** are Guaranteed Holiday Delivery!

Questions, want more details? CLICK!

Vintage ALF Paintings for Sale at the Bucktown Arts Fest this weekend!

Art For Sale, Events, Shows & Ar...Anne Leuck4 Comments

I'm very grateful to share that we sold our house in this impossible market...and I'm downsizing my life in a big way, so that means I'm ready to part with some vintage art works that I've made over the last 15 years. I'll have many at this weekend's Bucktown Arts Fest. This little show is still going strong and now, bigger than ever. I'll be selling lots of new works from the summer as well as vintage pieces from the late 90's...pieces I painted when I lived in the neighborhood. C'mon by...let's liven up your walls!


Anne's Booth Location: #14

Northwest Corner of the Show on Belden

Dates & Times: Saturday, August 27th & Sunday August 28th

11:00 a.m. - Dusk

Round Trip Flight, 30x30 Acrylic on Canvas in Wood Frame: $500

This is the only large piece I have left from my "flying people" series...I did many of these before Izzy and other dogs came into my life...they were inspired by dreams of flying!

Day & Night, 28x30 Acrylic on Wood, Framed: $400

Strike 3, 25x49 Acrylic on Canvas w/wood frame: $600

This piece chronicles the traumatic gang problems we lived through in Bucktown back in the 90's. I still have the quarter brick that came through our window at 3am...our sweet salvation: we had just put in an order for new windows the week before!

Anne's Pet Portrait Debut on 190 North....Watch the Live Podcast!

Collectors Corner, Pet Portraits, Press & Published ..., VideoAnne Leuck1 Comment
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Check out our fun feature from ABC Channel 7's 190 North Television Show! It turned out great thanks to the wonderful interviews with my customers  and their pets (Cris & Kaaren & Tango and Sarah & Bear), and all the great folks and camera crew at 190 North, thank you Janet & Holly!! Sadly, Bear, the sweet Bernese Mountain Dog in the segment passed away a few weeks honored to have created his portrait and that he's also immortalized on film. He was beloved by everyone in the neighborhood.

Please contact me if you are ready to order a Pet Portrait!

The other wonderful part of this feature, it aired the night before my 44th birthday...a lovely gift!

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Tango....A day in the life of a Vizsla

Pet PortraitsAnne LeuckComment

This was another Holiday Pet Portrait Gift...this one a 24x36 Painting of a local Chicagoland Vizsla, "Tango". I met Cris and his wife back in August at the Bucktown Arts Fest, he contacted me in November wanting to surprise his wife with this wonderful gift. He was the perfect client - supplying me with many wonderful photos and a list of Tango's favorite places, activities, toys and treats, including baguettes after picking one up on a walk near the Red Hen Bakery. This was a fun project from beginning to end!

Tango with his painting!

This was the final sketch before I did the painting....and black and white below: TangoSketch1